I am currently in the development stages of a new project and need (and very much appreciate ) your help and insight. I want to know what you yearn for, what you long for. Longing is a deep part of what makes us human – we strive for goals, for the things we cant have – or can’t easily obtain – in the pursuit of happiness. I want to know what moves you, the struggles that come with wanting and to examine whether or not, obtaining the object of your desire will ultimately bring you the happiness you seek.
The answers received from submissions will be used to craft a new fine art series within the same aesthetic of my PHOBIA series as I continue to explore the unique and often complicated aspects of what makes us human and the driving forces that encompass our experience during our time here. It is important to me that my work connects with my audience, and by reaching out for your insight, I hope to strengthen those connections by branching out from my own personal experience and encompassing the experience of a wide range of individuals.
I have included the form to fill out in which you can remain completely anonymous if you desire – simply print the image and mail in your response to the address on the form. You are also more than welcome to email me your submission to sarahpezdek@gmail.com – please enter LONGING in the subject line and let me know if you would like to stay updated on the progress of this project or to be informed about other project currently in the works that may offer further opportunities for participation.
Many thanks in advance for your time, consideration and insight – I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.